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Talk about HeartsHome

Since 2015, we have been continuously developing the HeartsHome application to provide a holistic approach to fitness, diet, and self-testing devices.

We continue to invest in High-Performance computers to support the high-power graphics processing required for 3D applications, along with server infrastructure to create an optimized and seamless mobile experience.

Apple iOS Google Android

The HeartsCare C1 Bluetooth manual

Why 3D application?

The HeartsHome 3D applications offer limitless possibilities for integrating fitness, diet, self-testing devices, and even future advancements in human genomics. We continue to invest in high-performance computing systems to explore and drive future innovations.

Apple iOS Goole Android

Upcoming Bluetooth Devices for HeartsHome

Blood pressure monitor

  • Rechargeable arm blood pressure monitor
  • Bluetooth built-in


Body Weight Scale

  • BMI - Weight
  • Bluetooth built-in


Food Weight Scale

  • Food Weight
  • Bluetooth built-in


What is lactate measurement for?

Lactate measurement is used to assess the intensity of exercise and monitor metabolic efficiency. It helps determine when the body shifts from primarily aerobic energy production (efficient, sustainable) to anaerobic metabolism (less efficient, fatigue-inducing). This is useful for endurance athletes like runners and cyclists to optimize training zones, especially Zone 2, which improves aerobic capacity and fat metabolism while minimizing fatigue.

HeartsCare Lactate Kit

The HeartsCare C1 Instruction manual